Websites, Your Way
Websites, Your Way 1024 536 Asith Hettiarachchi know, you want a dynamic website for your business or your brand but wait….. Do you know what a Dynamic Website is?
We get many inquiries requesting for websites, most have only a general idea of what they want their website to look like. Once they have a chat with our web development experts at Jigsaw they realize that there is so much more to consider. For instance, buzz words and how to use them intelligently to enable optimum SEO, the types of images to use or even choosing a target market applicable colour palette and typography.
To save you the hassle, below we’ve listed the main types of websites with simple and clear definitions to help you understand the best type of website for your business.
Let’s begin!
Dynamic Websites
A dynamic website is a website or an individual page that contains information that changes and customizes automatically in real time depending on the viewer, time of the day, time zone, language and many other factors. Such websites are controlled by two processings namely; server-side scripting(code) and client-side scripting. A dynamic website must have a server-side language like python or ruby, and a database system to stores the dynamic information.
Let us put what is a dynamic website in a simpler way this time; Facebook, Twitter-like social media platforms are dynamic websites.
Static Websites
Websites that have fixed content are known as Static websites. These websites are coded with Hypertext Mark-Up Language (HTML) and show the exact same content to every visitor. This doesn’t mean that a static website’s content is text only. Static pages can feature images even videos but every viewer will see the same content every time. One of the best examples of a static website is Wikipedia.
Interactive Websites
If you have come across a website that has pop-up boxes, videos or audio clips or a forum or even a contact form, you’ve seen an interactive website. In simple words, an interactive website is a website that allows visitors to do more than just reading and scrolling down. These websites enable viewers to interact and communicate more with the interface. Some elements that will tell you a particular website is interactive are comment boxes, story, photo and video submissions, live chats, clickable maps, online transactions… etc.
Web Applications
While a website focuses mainly on information, a web application primarily allows users to perform actions. Simply, it’s a computer program that stored on a remote server and runs in a web browser. It gives access to its users anywhere anytime. A web application is highly customizable and can be very helpful in tackling unique business operation management challenges. Google docs is one of the most popular web application in the world.
E-commerce websites
E-commerce websites are designed to facilitate online transactions of goods and services transferring information and funds over the Internet between vendors and customers. The most common e-commerce website is retail selling related platforms while there a few other types of e-commerce websites. Auction websites, business-to-business services, music portals, consultancy websites and finance management websites are to name a few. Amazon and eBay are few major e-commerce websites in the world that will give you a clearer idea of an e-commerce website.
To succeed in the online business world having the right website that suits your brand image is essential.
Have more questions on what type of a website suits best your business? Contact our web development experts at JGSW now and we’ll help you identify the ideal solution for you.